Increase Your Web Traffic with Quora Ads Mar 6th, 2020   [viewed 19 times]

Quora has become one of the vast growing databases that generate a collection of questions and answers by audiences. Each question is created, answered and organized by users who interact with the website. This allows users to follow topics that interest you and vote on answers to encourage accountability among other users. Quora is rapidly evolving as a source for effectively building a social network apart from the information and general interest. Though, Quora is not all about sales since it does not primarily intend to generate monetary benefits off its features. It focuses primarily on content marketing and helps marketers showcase their expertise and position or their businesses as authority figures.

Quora Advertising platform allows users to create an ad account and run ads on Quora. Ads can be run by any Quora Ads Expert provided that his/her company meets the advertising policy guidelines. Based on contextual targeting, the platform enables advertisers to target specific topics and questions on Quora while creating and target audiences based on pixel data or behavioral targeting.  Advertisers can create text or image-based ads that are priced on a cost-per-click basis. Different factors are taken into account when determining CPC like your CPC bid and the likelihood of a user clicking on your ad. Advertisers have the ability to set the campaign budgets to pace on either daily basis and/or a lifetime.

One of the best ways to promote your campaign or business is to consistently stay in touch with your audience and customers. Giving them a quick response will encourage your customers to talk about you helping you win over new customers. Quora offers a variety of targeting options allowing your ad to be targeted to your audiences with the right message at the right time. Since users on Quora demonstrate high intent on the content they browse, the profiles created on Quora are real which eliminates the chance of reaching out to fake accounts. Moreover, Quora has a database of around 200 million unique visiting monthly which accounts for a major reason why you should consider it for your business. Its dedicated users will help your brand engage with their audiences. This helps them to easily discover your brand and in turn, helps you target an audience that is suitable for your business. Another advantage of Quora for marketing is that it helps you keep your product trending.

Quora Advertising shows you insights on the performance of your campaigns. It is responsible for plotting the performance metrics so you can know your expenditure over the selected time period. Campaign manager usually aims to create awareness among people about a newly introduced product or service. With more than 400,000 topics available on Quora, the website now earns more than a billion US dollars per year which makes it another reason why you should think about using Quora to promote your business. It has become a great platform for newcomers to improve their website traffic and increase the popularity and recognition of your business.